Casa do Tear
Do ‘tecer’ ao ‘espairecer’
About Us
The ancient Manuel Condessa’s family house, once an agriculture farm, has become the « Looms House » (Casa do Tear – in the original), a diversified and welcoming space focused on Cultural and Recreational events.
Having the looming as the main inspiration, « Casa do Tear » offers Tranquility, Pleasent Moments, Original Ideas and Cultural Moments.
Founded in 2012 when the 2nd generation connected to looming decided to give a new opportunity to the traditional carpets of the region, once very famous and selled all over Portugal and even through out Europe. Today replaced by industrial production, this Handmade carpets face extinction.

By adding original ideas to the traditional patterns, Casa do Tear presents a new generation of looming carpets, always produced 100% by hand according to the ancient techniques, giving them authenticity and durability. The different patterns are available in different lengths and for several applications: floor (traditional application), table towel, couch protection, bed decoration, …
The new patterns also allows Casa do Tear to present a new range of products such as Wallets, Cushions, Aprons…
Always based on the traditional ancient techniques, we intend to give back the same visibility to the carpets as 50 years ago when exposed at the showcases of the most exquisite shops of Lisbon.